Sinus infection is one of the most common problems for most people. More than 37 million Americans suffer from this inflammation in their nasal cavities.
This infection can usually appear because of some bacteria or in some cases a fungus. Some symptoms can be treated with antibiotics, but in the long-term, they might prove problematic and affect your everyday life.
Here Are 5 Ways To Get Rid Of The Source Of Sinus Pain, Headaches, & Congestion!!!
However, if you have chronic and regular sinus infections that last for years or months, you should consult a doctor.

The Causes of Sinus Pain

People who suffer from sinus pain are the ones that mostly seek medical attention. So what is the number one cause of sinus infection? According to  Jyoti Gopal, MD, the most common cause of this problem are allergies.
Gopal is a physician with the Lehigh Valley Health Network in Bethlehem located in Pennsylvania. She claims that the pollen causes multiple allergies and congestion for many people. But, many other reasons can trigger this infection as well.
The second most important cause is the flu. The virus inside the body can turn into an infection that can attack the sinuses. As a result, they start to swell, and the drainage pathways start to narrow down.

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the mucus you start to produce blocks the already swollen sinuses. In the end, a bacteria starts to grow and form which causes a lingering sinus infection.
This lingering sinus infection stays in the sinuses and may appear from time to time. This is the reason behind the constant repeat of the sinus infection and why there is no end to it.

Other Causes

  • Lastly, here are some other causes of sinus congestion, pain, and pressure:

Anatomical Issues

  • According to Gopal, a crucial problem is the fact that the mucus can be prevented from draining because of the nasal bone spur.


  • This is a common problem for people with a weakened immune system from leukemia, diabetes, and AIDS. Fungi have similar functions to bacteria, but will not respond to antibiotic treatments.
  • According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the most common fungus connected with sinusitis is Aspergillus.


  • Cigarettes, air pollution or other chemicals that can damage the respiratory systems can irritate sinuses and cause a sinus infection.

Swimming or Diving

  • If you dive in polluted waters or too deep, it may cause problems for the sinuses and the nose.


  • This is a growth projected from the vocal cords. This inflamed tissue can cause problems for the sinuses.

Symptoms of Sinus Infection

Here are some of the symptoms that might be the cause of sinus infection:
  • Thick, colored nasal drainage
  • Facial pain or swelling
  • Diminished sense of smell and taste
  • Head congestion
  • A runny nose
  • Fever
  • Nasal congestion
  • Post-nasal drip
  • A cough
  • Fatigue
  • A toothache
  • A headache
However, the real problem is that even if people treat these symptoms, the sinus infection keeps on coming back.

How to Get Rid of the Source of Sinus Pain

When there is a fungus inside the body, the immune system tries to get rid of it by damaging the sinus membranes. According to researchers, the fungus is the main culprit for causing sinus infections.
So, if you want to help your body become more resistant to this infection, you should start by changing the environment that lets the fungus live. In other words, you should make your body stronger and resilient.
Here are some ways that might help you cure your sinus infection:

1. Eat More Cod Liver Oil or Fish

  1. Try to purchase high-quality fish for the best results. Plus, they are rich in omega-3 fats, EPA and DHA which are crucial for the immune system. However, don’t take omega-3 supplements. They won’t have the same benefits.
  2. Besides, high-quality fish can even improve your brain and overall health. Therefore, they may be able to reduce the risk of Alzheimer or cancer.

2. Avoid Grains or Sugars

  1. Sugar is food for the fungus. It helps it grow and thrive. The same goes for grains. Therefore, it is important not to feed the fungus and keep it under control.

3. Consume More Coconut Oil

  1. Lauric acid is popular for its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Because coconut oil contains this acid, it may prove ideal for battling this infection. But, some coconut oils may contain fungal toxins, so be careful.
  2. These oils are prepared with contaminated dried coconuts with mycotoxins or with copras. So make sure to read the labels properly.

4. Eat More Spicy Food

  1. Spicy foods like hot peppers, curry, and wasabi may help clear your sinuses. The hot spices can open up your nasal passages and help your body flush out the toxins faster.

5. Eucalyptus or Menthol

  1. If you want to moisten your sinuses, try sprinkling a few drops of menthol or eucalyptus in your bathroom, shower or in the bath. With all the hot steam while you are showering you can loosen up the debris stuck in your nostrils.

How to Avoid Sinus Infection

  • Try not to get in contact with people who have a cold or any other infection on their respiratory system. If you can’t, make sure you wash your hands frequently to avoid infections.
  • If you suffer from allergies, you should consult your doctor about getting immunotherapy, like allergy shots. Consulting your doctor is your best choice.
  • If you have nasal congestion because of the flu or allergies, make sure to treat it right away. This way you may reduce the chance of getting a bacterial infection in your sinuses.
  • Try to use a humidifier at home to create more moisture in the air if it is constantly dry.
  • If you exercise more often, your sinuses will expand and stimulate more air to circulate and clean the nostrils. As a result, the exchanged air may lower the chance of getting a sinus infection.
  • Make sure to avoid cigarettes or smoke while you are both at work and at home. Besides, smoke can always irritate the sinuses and cause problems for the inflamed membranes.

How to Clean Your Sinuses

  • If you want to clean your sinuses from all the toxins effectively, try washing the nasal cavities with some salt mixed with purified water at a room temperature.
  • Moreover, you can try to add some essential oils to your bath and clean your sinuses without the use of dangerous antibiotics.

Key Information

  • Immunization is critical. If you haven’t had any vaccines, make sure you do get them to prevent sinus infections in the future. Moreover, people with weakened immune systems are the ones who are most prone to this infection.
  • This is why hygiene is crucial for avoiding and curing congestion and pain caused by sinus infection. Even though it can’t be entirely avoided, especially for people with allergies, there are still ways that can help you ease the discomfort and pain.
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