Snoring is one of the most uncomfortable things that could happen to a person and even worse is the fact that they may not be aware that they do it.
Snoring which is the guttural noise that a person may make when inhaling and exhaling in their sleep.
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It ranges from a dull whisper that is not too irritating to a loud grating snort that could keep your partner awake for hours.
Sadly, snoring has resulted in making broken marriages and relationships or lack of intimacy that comes from two people sleeping in separate rooms.
What Causes Snoring?
If you are a snorer, then you are in good company. 90 million Americans are affected either regularly or intermittently, and the bigger population among them is male. When you sleep, every muscle in your body relaxes, including those in the throat. The tongue falls backward and the entrance to the throat becomes narrower. Less air than normal is allowed to go through, which leads to one breathing heavier than normal. Eventually, snoring noises come out whenever you inhale and exhale.
The causes range from age to weight.
The older you grow, the looser the muscles in your throat become and hence the easier it becomes for your tongue to fall back. The throat also become narrower leading to snoring eventually. Unfortunately, nothing much can be done here except making lifestyle changes.
Being overweight leads to fat accumulating around the neck and causes the throat area to reduce. This naturally reduces the space for breathing freely and results in snoring.
Sleeping Positions
Sleeping on your back leads the tongue to fall back and cause interference with proper breathing. The throat muscles are going to relax when you sleep and this position worsens the collapse. It's hard to change is this is the only way you sleep, but making deliberate changes over time will enable you to sleep on your side.
Alcohol, certain medications, and smoking cause body muscles to relax especially when they are ingested close to bedtime. Reducing the amount of alcohol consumed or drinking less in the evenings is one of the most effective ways to reduce alcohol-induced snoring.
Some people are natural snorers for reasons they have no control over. Men, for example, have narrower throat passages than women, making them susceptible to snoring. Some cases such as enlarged adenoids and cleft palates are hereditary and there is not much that can be done about them. In these cases, one can only control the snoring by using the natural remedies we are about to discuss.
Knowing exactly what causes the problem is the first way to solve the problem. If you snore with your mouth closed, then this could indicate a problem with your tongue – falling deeper into your throat as you sleep. Open-mouth snoring indicates a problem with tissues in your throat while snoring while sleeping on your back may simply require you to switch your sleeping position. Snoring while sleeping in any position could indicate a much deeper problem that will need help from an expert.
Do you need to worry about snoring? Well, as long as it has not progressed to sleep apnea, then it's not so serious. Apart from irritating your partner, snoring has no adverse effect on health. Still, it could cause you to be super unproductive during the day it disrupts your sleep, which is very likely.
There are several methods that can reduce the severity of snoring, and one of the most effective is the use of essential oils.
The Best Essential Oils for Snoring
Thyme Essential Oil
This oil had been used for decades as an anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and a soother of fatigued souls, which is what makes it ideal for snorers. It relaxes the mind and eases one into an easy peaceful sleep that eliminates the likelihood of throat muscles collapsing. It also allows you to sleep uninterrupted al night and wake up refreshed in the morning.
How to use Thyme
Thyme can be ingested as well as applied to the body. Since it's too strong, we recommend you mix it with equal portions of a carrier oil of choice or vegetable oil.
Mix four drops of thyme essential oil with four drops of olive oil, then massage the mixture on your feet just before you sleep. You could also add it to your humidifier and let in infusing in the air all night to soothe you as you sleep. For a troubled mind that needs all the rest, it can get, add two drops of the oil in your tea and sip on before you sleep.
This remedy works best over time, and so you will need to use it for longer than a week to see or feel the changes. Making it a habit will not only ease snoring but it will also make your skin look better and your sleeping pattern will improve immensely.
Sage Essential Oil
One of the best qualities of sage that make it ideal for fighting to snore is its inflammation relieving ability. It keeps the respiratory tract clean and free of infection to clear sinuses and other causes of congestion. You only need to use it once a day just before you sleep and watch as it works wonders over time. The anti-inflammatory properties reduce nasal blockage while its antibacterial properties prevent future infections in our respiratory system.
Maybe this oil's most treasured benefit is the presence of antioxidants that prevent macular degeneration by inhibiting free radicals. While keeping snoring at bay, this product will also keep your brain functioning properly and skin looking good.
How to use Sage
Since it is quite potent, use it with a carrier oil of choice. Add five drops of sage oil into a teaspoon of coconut oil and mix together. Apply this mixture to your neck or chest before going t sleep. The aroma will travel up your respiratory system to sooth it and get you to read for a peaceful night. You can also blend it with ginger oil, lavender, and tea tree for even better results.
Being a stimulant, this oil may have an effect on people with epilepsy and hysteria or both and so they should avoid it. It also contains camphor and camphene which is not advisable on pregnant women.
Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil is extracted from the leaves of eucalyptus trees and packed in highly concentrated doses as is typical of any essential oil. Naturally, it is potent and so it needs dilution with carrier oils before it's used. This oil is not ingested but it's perfect for massage and diffusion using a diffuser. Thanks to its ability to heal the respiratory system, this oil is used for sinusitis, nasal congestion, bronchitis, asthma, and sore throat among others. It also deals with mental exhaustion, taking away stress and relieving the mind of sluggishness.
The oil is aromatic and so it activates the nasal glands. With its decongestant and expectorant properties, this oil cuts through mucus and sinus congestion to free the passage and make breathing much easier. Because of its antibacterial properties, eucalyptus oil is used in makeup, inhalers, rash creams, and mouthwash.
How to use Eucalyptus Oil
The best way to get all the benefits of this oil is through inhalation. You can inhale the steam or use a diffuser. In a pot of hot water, add two to four drops of eucalyptus oil. Lower your head to cover the steaming pot then cover your head with a towel. Inhale the steam until it is exhausted, all the while being careful not to get too close to avoid being burnt. You want to do this minutes before you go to bed. The heat will get into the respiratory system and clear any congestion for the night. You will notice the calm effect the oil has on our body when you lay down.
Eucalyptus oil is potent and so a little goes a long way. The two to four drops will be enough even if added to two liters of water.
Peppermint Oil
This oil is a breed of watermint and spearmint and has for the longest time bee regarded as the world's oldest medicine. It is not only available as oil, but also in capsules and tablets that are prescribed by doctors as alternative medicine. This oil contains several nutrients and minerals including copper, manganese, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, folate, and vitamins A and C as well as omega-3 fatty acids.
Other than relieving muscle joint pain, this oil is also great at healing sinuses. It unblocks a congested nose to make it easy for you to breathe while asleep. Its anti-inflammatory traits protect the inner mucous lining of your nostrils from inflammation. It also helps clear the respiratory tract as it is an expectorant and it also relieves the brain of the say's exhaustion to aid in sleeping.
How to use Peppermint Oil
There are three major ways to use this oil to counter snoring: inhalation-rub two drops of peppermint oil on the lower side of your nose every night before sleeping. You can also choose to steam it by adding four drops to a little water and inhaling the steam. Peppermint can also be gargled when you have a throat infection. The menthol in it will open up your trachea and get rid of any congestion that could hinder a good night's sleep. Just add one drop of peppermint to a glass of hot water and gargle without swallowing the mixture.
As with any other essential oil, too much of peppermint could do you more harm than good. Just a few recommended drops will work wonders for your snoring situation.
Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender oil, which is extracted from lavender leaves through distillation has been used for centuries to heal the body of several conditions. It has been used to make potpourri for centuries, thanks to its aroma. The word lavender comes from Latin's "lavare" meaning to wash. Among its make, positive effects on the respiratory system are cleansing it of infection-causing bacteria.
It has been used as an alternative medicine for treating insomnia in the elderly and the young for years, thanks to its relaxing properties. Its calming qualities make it the ideal relaxant that calms the brain, eases migraines, and eases the mind of tension. These qualities make it easy to sleep peacefully which is great for a snore-free night.
How to Use Lavender Essential Oil
This oil works best when combined with other oils. Add four to five drops of lavender to eucalyptus and thyme oils. Alternatively, you could replace those other essential oils with an ounce of carrier oil, preferably coconut or olive oil. Mix them together and use the rub a little of this every day on your chest. Inhale it too to open up your congested nasal passage.
Unless some essential oils, lavender should not be ingested as it would result in some adverse results including vomiting and diarrhea.
Marjoram Essential Oil
Marjoram essential oil is not as well known as other essential oils, but that does not make it less effective. It is extracted through distillation of fresh and dried leaves of the marjoram plant and has been used for centuries to heal the body and calm the mind.
One of the properties of this oil that make it effective for snoring is its antibacterial quality that heals current infections on the nasal passage as well as prevents future infections. As calming oil, it relaxes the brain to help you sleep soundly all night long especially when diffused. It has been known to sure sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory conditions that cause snoring.
How to use Marjoram Oil
This oil is ingestible and so you can add a few drops to your meals or drinks. As much as it is quite strong, this oil does not require any carrier oils. Just rubbing two drops of it on your nose to inhale before you sleep will open the nasal passage and give you a good night's sleep. Marjoram essential oil is so effective that some say they felt the results o the night of using it while others had to use it a little longer. No doubt this is one of the most effective oils for snoring.
You can blend it with several other oils including cedarwood and chamomile for more benefits.
Since it is potent, it could react with sensitive parts of the body such as eyes, ears, and the nose. I also could react negatively to pregnant women and children.
Cedarwood Oil
Cedarwood oil has this woody smell that takes a minute to get used to because it's extracted from pieces of cedar wood. This oil has been used for years for several conditions, and the most common of them all is its ability to calm the brain. It is among other things an emmenagogue, expectorant, and sedative.
Cedarwood essential oil heals inflammatory situations on the skin as well as the nasal passage. It also helps the white blood cells fight off future infections on every part of the body that it is applied. As an expectorant, this oil eliminates a cough and removes phlegm from the respiratory system to promote a good night's sleep. It also removes any toxin from the respiratory system, keeping it free of infections.
How to Use Cedarwood Essential Oil
Add four drops of cedarwood oil in equal portions of preferred carrier oil then mix them together for daily use. You could also blend it with thyme and lavender for more effect. These oils also add a little sweet aroma to the woody smell of cedar.
This oil, unlike some essential oils, cannot be ingested in any quantity as it is an irritant. It is highly potent, and so it should at all times be blended with other oils or diluted with carrier oils.
Important Pointers before Buying Essential Oils
There are as many vendors for these oils as there are articles praising them and so you want to choose your dealer carefully. Not every dealer out there is genuine, so you want to do proper and thorough research before you buy. One way to tell whether a brand is genuine is looking out for the Latin name of the ingredient. This shows that the brand most likely deals with knowledgeable clientele. Genuine product is likely to be pricier too, so don't fall for a fake thinking that it could be a bargain. Cheaper brands could be adulterated.
Other telltales include the smell of your product. You must already have an idea of how peppermint smells, for example. If the product deviates from the aroma you expect, it could be adulterated. Even though essential oils have a strong smell, it should still be pleasant. Another sign is the percentage of oil as it should not be mixed with any other.
Essential oils are packed in small doses but it is potent and so a little goes a long way. We have noted the oils that need diluting ad so you want to make sure you make reference before use. If you forego dilution, use half the dosage recommended when you add carrier or vegetable oil.
As much as possible, find essential oils that are made from organic raw materials that will have no adverse effects on your health. Mass produced products and those chocked with pesticides will only do more harm than good.
Try Them Today!
As we noted from the beginning, snoring is not a permanent condition. Countering it requires a change in lifestyle and also the use of essential oils as the ones we have reviewed above. Try some today and inhale your way to better quality sleep.
Other Natural Remedies for Snoring
Most of these remedies require lifestyle changes and may take a bit of time to get used to but they are worth the effort.
Side Sleeping
It certainly takes some getting used to especially if you have been sleeping on your back all your life, but it can be done. Whenever you turn at night, make deliberated attempts at sleeping on your side and make it a habit. A trick that reportedly works is rolling a bed sheet and placing it in on your bed to create recline. Others advocate for tying a tennis ball on your jammies to prevent you from rolling over to sleep on your back.
Diet Change
Eating foods rich in Vitamin C may help clear sinuses as the nutrient is known for promoting a healthy immune system. Papaya, pineapple, broccoli, and red bell peppers are only a few of the foods that will give you Vitamin C. Losing weight is also a great way to deal with snoring as the fat in the neck area makes the air passage narrower.
Buy a Humidifier
Dry air dries out the nasal membrane and the throat, causing irritants that may increase the chances of snoring. A humidifier moisturizes the air to reduce the chances of a dry membrane.
Throat and Tongue Exercises
Throat muscles loosen as one age and they can be tightened by regular exercise. You want to gently put your molars together then open your mouth and try to push the molars as far apart from other as possible. Be sure not to overstretch them while at it then repeat this 10-15 times. Over time, you will notice some strength in the muscles.
Measure your Progress
The first step towards dealing with a problem is acceptance. Acknowledging that you area snorer is the first step towards finding a solution. These remedies do not work overnight and s you will need to be patient with the process. Ask your partner to help you measure your progress by noting the severity of your snores each night. You could also download an app to record your sleeping cycle. Be kind to yourself and you will soon reap the benefits of using essential oils for snoring.
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