
The foods that we eat regularly have a big influence over our health and the pH level of your body. 
Several Ways To Alkalize Your Body And Why You Need To Do It
Most of the time we tend to overlook this fact when it comes to being healthy; however every person needs a well-balanced pH for eliminating any health issues. That is the reason why, it’s very important to have alkaline and not acidic body.


To have an acidic body means that you are not healthy person. The reason is because this is going to put you at greater risk for developing chronic diseases, weight gain and speedy aging. The pH level of the body needs to be balanced and this way it is going to function properly. The big key is to consume more alkaline foods. There are various benefits of having alkalinized body and the most important ones are:
Sleeping better
• Being protected from cancer
• Having more energy
• Being alerted during the day
• Slowing down the aging process

Several studies have proved that if your diet is consisted mainly of alkaline foods the quality of your life could be improved by even 80%.

Naturally, our body is more alkaline than it is acidic, and it has pH level 7.365. That is why it’s essential to maintain this balance by consuming more alkaline foods. Some of the options are:
• Chia seeds
• Millet
• Lemons
• Melons
• Tofu
• Whey protein powder
• Chestnuts
• Leafy greens
• Cucumber

Most of the vegetables are alkaline, which means you should include more of them in your regular diet and you need to know that the acidic vegetables are lentils, olives and corn. Consuming fruits is healthy, but many fruits should be avoided because they can change the pH levels, especially when the pH levels in your body are already acidic. Some of them are:
• Cranberries
• Blueberries
• Currants
• Prunes

You also need to stop eating canned fruits since they create acid in the body.

How to Know If Some Food is Acidic or Alkaline

It may be hard to know if a certain food is alkaline or acidic. For instance, we know that lemons are acidic; yet, they have the ability to make the body alkaline when they are consumed. At the same time, meat products are alkaline, however they create acid in the body.
These are some of the most acidic foods that have to be avoided:

– Meat
– Dairy
– Eggs
– Grains
– Legumes
– Nuts
– Coffee
– Vegetables oils
– Alcohol
– Refined sugar

You need to be aware that food is not the only reason for having more acidic body. Some other factors could be stress, reduced oxygen, and also the toxins from the environment.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has been praised by many by it’s ability to balance the pH, increase good gut bacteria and help control your weight, and other benefits for your body.

Why You Should Take Your Apple Cider Vinegar at Night
A study at Arizona State University have tested 11 volunteers with type 2 diabetes (diagnosed by a doctor) who weren’t taking insulin but continued taking their prescripted medications. The study started with the idea to confirm the thesis that ACV has the ability to balance your sugar levels.
Each participant took 2 tablespoons of ACV with an ounce of cheese before sleep. The researchers demonstrated that in the morning the participants had normal sugar levels, and lower comparing to those who had snack without consummation of ACV.

A recent study also showed that three groups of adults, first those who are in the beginning of getting a diabetes, those with type 2 diabetes and the third are the healthy ones, after taking an ounce of ACV all had lower blood glucose levels when they ate a high-carb meal, they had a bagel with butter and a glass of orange juice, and the groups were compared. Those with pre-diabetes improved their blood glucose levels by almost half, and the subjects with type 2 diabetes cut their blood glucose levels by 25 percent.
Just as dramatic the results were when ACV was tested for cutting fats of our body. The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry reported a study on mice that were fed with high calorie meals along with the active ingredient in apple cider vinegar: acetic acid, and they ended up with 10% lower body fat.
Also in Japan were made new studies, but instead of mice they chose obese adults for more precise results, and the contestants were also split by three groups. For 12 weeks, the first group drank half an ounce of ACV, the second had a beverage with 1 ounce and the third ones had drink with no ACV. When they finished the research, those who drank the cider vinegar had lower body and belly fat, smaller waist measurements and  lower triglycerides compared to the others.
Several tests have shown that ACV provides is detoxification of your lymphatic system which then helps optimize homeostatic function in your body. The Truth About Cancer says:
“Cider vinegar was recently determined to be a strong antimicrobial agent and alternative to toxic and expensive chemical disinfectants. One of the most fatal bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is resistant to disinfectants but is found to be killed by acetic acid.
Especially in patients who are immunosuppressed, apple cider vinegar is an excellent natural antimicrobial tonic to rid of harmful bacteria and provide immune support.”
Test tube studies show that ACV can kill cancer cells. One study particulary in Japan the researchers used several types of fermented vinegars to induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in leukemia cells.
For everyday gut health you can create a mixture of honey, vinegar water and ginger. Here’s the recipe:
  • 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 2 Tbsp. water
  • 1 Tbsp. raw honey
  • ¼ tsp. ground ginger
  • Optional: ¼ tsp. cayenne pepper
Make tiny sips every few hours and try to swallow slowly so your throat will get the maximum amount of the mixture. It prevents getting a sore throat and helps the immune system.
Besides being used as a spice, oregano can also be consumed in the form of tea. In fact, oregano tea has been used for a variety of health problems in the past thanks to its unique nutritional profile. 
Cholesterol, Stop Headaches & Treat Sore Throat As Well!!!
The herb contains thymol and rosmarinic acid as well as other antioxidants which can prevent cellular damage and prevent numerous problems.
Oregano is a herb which comes from the mint family. It is commonly used in the Italian cuisine and contains more than 40 different medicinal compounds that have antioxidant properties and can fight free radicals. The herb has antibacterial and antiseptic properties as well which can stop bacteria from spreading.
In the past, oregano tea was mainly used to treat a sore throat and sinus infections. One recent study discovered that the extract may also help in the elimination of colon cancer cells, although further studies are needed before conclusions can be drawn. 

The tea can definitely help in the treatment of various cardiovascular problems by reducing the amount of cholesterol in your blood. The tea works perfectly against almost any ailment thanks to its antioxidant properties and its ability to strengthen your immune system. Here’s what it can help you with:
  • Heartburn
  • Indigestion
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Sinus infections
  • Nasal congestion
  • A sore throat
  • Colds and the flu
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Urinary problems
  • Menstrual pain
  • Back pain
  • Constipation
  • Parasitic infections

Here’s how to prepare oregano tea at home:


  • 2 cups water
  • A tablespoon of fresh or dry oregano leaves

Preparation Method

  1. You just need to boil the water, then pour it over the oregano leaves in a bowl.
  2. Steep the tea for 5 more minutes, strain it and drink it warm.
  3. No matter if you choose fresh or dry oregano leaves, the tea will have positive effects on your health.
  4. Start drinking it today and you’ll feel much better soon.
We are not the lucky ones who get somebody around to massage our feet when we feel tired. Well, we can take care of our health on our own. So, if you can to get rid of fatigue instantly then apple cider vinegar can help you.
After Soaking Your Feet in Apple Cider Vinegar,You Will Be Amazed By The Results
A foot soak of apple cider vinegar is the most relaxing thing you would have ever experienced. The feeling and result will amaze you. Firstly let’s take a look at health benefits of apple cider vinegar and then will move on to the ACV foot soak treatment.
Apple cider vinegar is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients which are required to maintain good health. It can be a primary ingredient in your salad which will enhance its taste. It is also used to treat sinus infection, for weight loss, to cure a cold, for detoxification and also for household cleaning.
Apple cider vinegar works miraculously on the skin and thus it is one of the preferred beauty ingredients. It is actively used to treat dandruff, to remove a wart, as a skin toner, teeth whitener and for skin discoloration.

The original intact ingredients and the compounds present in apple cider vinegar provide it medicinal properties. The unfiltered and unpasteurized fermentation of apples makes ACV the best compound to enhance health.
ACV can instantly provide relief from foot problems. The common way to treat the feet issues is to soak it in the solution of ACV.
The warm foot bath with apple cider vinegar will clean, heal and exfoliate the feet. Due to antifungal, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of apple cider vinegar, it will gently remove the dead skin from your feet and refresh your feet skin quickly. It will also provide relief from itching, burning sensation, skin irritation, and pain.
How to prepare an ACV foot bath?
Things you need:
  • Apple cider vinegar- 1 cup
  • Water- 4 cup
  1. Take 4 cups of warm water and add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar to it.
  2. Stir it well to make a homogenous solution out of it.
  3. Now, pour the solution in a small tub and soak your feet in it.
  4. Allow it to remain soaked for 10-15 minutes and you will soon notice significant relief.
  5. Remove your feet from the solution and wash it with normal water.
  6. Don’t worry about the smell of ACV it will vanish once your feet will become dry.
Now, you don’t have to visit the expensive spa for the foot massage anymore. You can get a pedicure treatment right at your home using this simple remedy. Share this remedy with your friends and family members. Don’t forget to comment below about how relaxing you felt after using ACV foot bath at home.
 Here we will discuss what the color of your urine says about you. Everyone knows it, It is not a pleasant topic. Maybe one of those people that goes to the bathroom and does not focus too much on the appearance, but doctors say that it is necessary to know what the color of your urine is. It is not only important to notice if you have pain or not. Its color can show you certain signs: poor diet, sickness, hydration.

The Color Of Urine Says Everything About Your Health
Urine is composed of water and other waste substances. If something is not working right in your body, your urine may change color. Whether it is due to your diet, inflammation, or even taking some kind of medication, it can cause changes that you must keep in mind. Let’s look at all of the facts on your health.

Your Health and Color of Your Urine:
First, you must know one thing: urine comes from a filtration in the kidneys.
After this process, a mixture of water and toxins that your body does not need arrives at the bladder and must be eliminated.
Depending on the food you eat and how each person’s body works, like sweating and breathing, makes you get rid of more or less urine.
The color will depend on the following aspects

Clean Color:
Clear colored urine is a good symptom. It means that you are well hydrated.
When you drink large amounts of water, the kidneys filter urine more easily and this makes it have a much clearer tone.
It is a good sign.

Intense Yellow in Color:
This is a symptom to keep in mind. It means that you are not drinking enough liquids and your kidneys have to work harder to filter urine.
There is a greater accumulation of toxic elements and you need to hydrate better. It nothing bed.

This color can also be due to excessive sweating when you have worked a lot or done a lot of exercises.

Dark Yellow:
This color is even more serious. It is clear sign that you need to go the doctor.
Intense yellow tells you that there is a problem in the liver and you may be experiencing jaundice.
If this happens, look at your eyes.see if they also have a yellowish tone.
You will feel tired and just bad in general.
It is normally associated with other symptoms that you will be quickly conscious of.

Reddish Brown in Color:
This may be the most common if you are having a kidney problem.
This reddish brown color is because you have an inflammation and there are small traces of blood in your urine.
It is possible that you have a stone and urinary tracts are suffering from this element that is painfully blocking the bladder.
You may have them in the kidney, which is damaging it, in this case, the color of the urine is very characteristic, also, it is a kidney problem, you will also be in pain.

Orange in Color:
This color is not as normal but it can happen. What causes orange color in urine?
An excess of vitamin c in your body.
It is too much and your kidneys will filter this excess, and this color will be very characteristic.
It happens to you one day, just reduce your consumption of the fruits and vegetables with vitamin c for at-least five days.
Reduce but never eliminate.

Blue in Color:
Surprise? As strange as it may seem, this is caused by an excess of calcium or a type of bacterial infection.
This tends to happen in people that take vitamin supplements.
It causes an excess or small contamination with other substances, and your body will be affected.
Be careful with the medication and vitamin supplements that you take.
If you notice any changes, ask your doctor.

Red in Color:

Urine that is red in color is a sign of two things, the first, can be serious because it can be due to a presence of blood and you will have to immediately tell your doctor.
It is possible that you have a problem with your bladder or kidneys.
A proper diagnosis will always give you the answer.
The second cause of this symptom is completely harmless if you have eaten a lot of beets, berries, blackberries, or even foods with a lot of coloring that day.
It is possible that your urine will take on this color.
It is essential that you notice if this color repeats over several days.
If that is the case, don’t hesitate to see your doctor.

Our bodies became overburdened due to the unhealthy modern lifestyles we lead, constant stress, unhealthy diets, and contaminated environment. 

Say Goodbye To Vertigo, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue, Thyroid Problems And Much More
Therefore, we are prone to various ailments and diseases.
However, people often turn to natural remedies and alternative medicine these days as conventional treatments and drugs can lead to serious side- effects and often fail to address the root cause of the health issue.
Thyme is one of the most powerful natural remedies that can be an excellent alternative to products treating multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia.
Thyme has been used as a popular culinary herb and a medicinal healer and protector for thousands of years. The ancient Romans used it to treat the effects of poisoning, and it has been used as a natural way to medicate bandages before the invention of modern antibiotics.

Its active ingredient, thymol, offers extremely powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties, and numerous flavonoids that improve its antioxidant capacity.
This healthy plant offers multiple health benefits, as it supports the formation of red blood cells, regulates blood pressure, treats asthma and a sore throat, relieves chronic fatigue, regulates hormones, fights vertigo, and naturally fights lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
It has an impressive nutritional profile, and one ounce of fresh thyme (28 grams) contains:
  • 44.8 milligrams vitamin C (75 percent DV)
  • 1,330 IU vitamin A (27 percent DV)
  • 171 milligrams potassium (5 percent DV)
  • 113 milligrams calcium (11 percent DV)
  • 44.8 milligrams magnesium (11 percent DV)
  • 0.1-milligram riboflavin (8 percent DV)
  • 0.2-milligram copper (8 percent DV)
  • 4.9 milligrams iron (27 percent DV)
  • 0.5-milligram manganese (24 percent DV)
  • 0.1-milligram vitamin B6 (5 percent DV)
  • 6.8 grams carbohydrates
  • 1.6 grams protein
  • 0.5-gram fat
  • 3.9 grams fiber
  • 28 calories
Here is a simple way to help you reap the benefits of this herb:
  • A handful of thyme (fresh or dried)
  • 1 cup of boiled water
  • Honey (optional)
Wash the thyme, place it in a bowl, and pour the water over it. Strain after a few minutes, and sweeten with honey. Drink this remedy on a daily basis, and you will soon get rid of all the symptoms!
Watermelon is certainly a well-known fruit. While we all enjoy consuming this sweet rejuvenating fruit, we generally throw out the tiny seeds scattered within it without realizing or rather realizing of their health advantages.
Take Watermelon Seeds And Boil Them: The Results Will Shock You! (Recipe)
These types of seeds consist of nutrition which includes fatty acids, essential proteins and a lot of minerals. These types of seeds are full of vitamin B just like thiamine, niacin, foliate and minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and copper.
Besides, they’re a great resource of calories along with 100 grams/0.22 lbs of watermelon seeds offering about 600 grams/1.3 lbs of calories.
 Watermelon seeds contain dietary fiber essential for the normal operation of the digestive tract, that help in case of intestinal parasites, as well as in the treatment of patients suffering from hepatitis and inflammation in the body.
Watermelons seeds contain citrulline substance which acts as an antioxidant, promotes expansion of blood vessels and have positive effect in case of arteriosclerosis, hypertension, angina and erectile dysfunction.

Watermelon seeds are healthy ingredient which is particularly useful for treating diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Using tea from fresh watermelon seeds will remove stones and sand in the kidneys.
To take maximum advantage of the medicinal properties of the watermelon seeds, you need to cook them, grind them or bake them.


Take 20-30 watermelon seeds, grind them and boil them for 15 minutes in 2 liters/67 oz of water. This amount will be enough to be disposed and consumed two days, and you should make a pause the third day.
Repeat the procedure for several weeks, but it is mandatory to pause every third day.


As mentioned previously, watermelon seeds really are a rich source of nutrition as well as minerals and for that reason, shouldn’t be thrown away. These types of seeds have got a tough outer covering so that they ought to be chewed just before swallowing to obtain their nutritional content.
A few of the health advantages of watermelon seeds are given below.
1. Protect heart health
 Full of magnesium, the seeds assist safeguarding your heart, therefore it could work normally. Additionally, it maintains blood pressure level and enhances metabolism process. The seeds are fantastic to avoid us for suffering heart diseases as well as hypertension.
2. Prevent aging
The antioxidant content within the seeds assist you to avoid aging, strengthen your skin keep healthier as well as young.
3. Clean acne
Take cotton bud and dip it on watermelon seed oil. Use it in your face to clean acne, dirt as well as dead skin cells. This particular oil is suitable for each and every kind of skin and may assist deal with skin ailment.
4. Strengthen hair
The high protein as well as amino acid content within the seeds can easily strengthen hair. Additionally, roasted watermelon seeds could make your hair shiny since they have copper that produce melanin, a pigment that gives color for hair.
5. Treat itchy scalp
Watermelon seed oil possesses mild texture, therefore it could be absorbed easily. The oil can be used as moisturizer for dried, itchy scalp or even scalp with dandruff.
6. Prevent hair damage
The seeds include essential fatty acids which will avoid hair damage.
7. Blood Pressure Regulation and Coronary Heart Disease Prevention
Arginine helps you to balance blood pressure as well as dealing with coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease is definitely the illness that is a result of the narrowing of the arterial vessels, blocking blood circulation. Arginine, an important component present in watermelon seeds helps prevent narrowing of blood vessels. Other amino acids present in these types of amazing seeds are tryptophan and lysine.
8. Rich Source of Magnesium for better Immune System
 We’re not through this unique seeds. The advantages of consuming watermelon seeds make sure a lot supply of magnesium. Magnesium is mainly present in foods like wheat, rice, oat as well as cocoa powder. It is important for sustaining a healthy defense mechanisms. Its insufficiency can result in muscle spasm, heart diseases, diabetes amongst others. Pantothenic acid is additionally known as vitamin B5.It’s essential for breaking down carbohydrates into energy and is also mainly present in legumes, animal meat as well as vegetables.
 9. Dietary Management of Beriberi caused by Vitamin B6 Deficiency
It’s a water soluble vitamin whose insufficiency may cause a condition referred to as Beriberi. B6 is really a complex vitamin B also is water soluble helping convert carbohydrate into energy. It is crucial for the creation of neurotransmitters.
10. Provides Essential Amino Acids
Argnine and lysine are among the amino acids that is needed by the body for performing in the perfect way. The former works well for enhancing the metabolism within the body and also the latter is effective for the assimilation of calcium for strengthening the bones and the tissues. These types of amino acids also provide wonderful benefits for the sexual health.
11. Gives Unsaturated Healthy Fats to the Body
About 80 % of the fat in watermelon seeds are unsaturated fats as well as healthy naturally with an addition of omega fatty 3 acids. Usage of watermelon seeds just means great deal of energy to the body with no additional calories. A cupful of dried watermelon seeds can fulfil half the necessity for health fats daily.
12. Hair & Nails
The reason watermelon seeds might help keep our hair healthy and glossy and our fingernails long and robust is because they also include a good amount of protein within them. The protein within watermelon seeds even include other amino acids in them like lysine, arginine, tryptophan, and glutamic acid all of which are important amino acids necessary for body to keep hair healthy as well as fingernails sturdy.
13. Magnesium Source
The seeds of the fruits have got good amounts of magnesium within them that just works well for maintaining lots of body functions in a perfect manner. It will help in perfect functioning of the heart and in addition strikes a balance within the blood pressure levels. It may also manage diabetes to a good extent together with offering support to the metabolic process within the body.
14. Watermelon Seeds Can Cure Edema
Toss a teaspoon of dry and ground watermelon seeds in the teaspoon of honey and put this combination in ¾ cup of warm water. Mix well and consume immediately (at least two times a day). This particular exercise helps you to control edema problem.
 15. Enhances Male Fertility
The lycopene antioxidant in watermelon seeds is definitely an excellent and efficient home remedial method to boost the male potency levels in men. This ought to be possible by including the dried seeds within the everyday diet.
16. Recovery Benefits
After any illness, one can possibly utilize watermelon seeds within the diet for proper recovery from the crisis. The effects are very noticeable over a couple of days. For those along with memory issues, watermelon seeds can help recover an excellent and sharp memory once again.
17. Treats Diabetes
A handful of watermelon seeds in the litre of water for 45 minutes ought to be taken every day like a home remedy for diabetes control. This really is one of the benefits worthy enough to be pointed out here due to the prevalence of diabetes within the population.
18. Moisturizes the Skin
The fatty acids within the watermelon seeds is an ideal use for soft, supple and moisturized skin. Additionally, it adds firmness as well as helps prevent skin conditions as well as acne issues. Overall, it maintains good health of the skin along with application as well as consumption.
19. Keeps the Hair Black
Copper is among the minerals contained in watermelon seeds which promote the creation of melanin within the body liable for providing colour to the hair. Additionally, it offers the colour to the skin.
20. Prevents Hair Breakage
The essential fatty acids in watermelon seed oil works well for nourishing the hair strands deeply. This particular makes certain proper strength of the hair and causes it to be a point that hair breakage is kept at bay. You can usually combine the oil along with carrier oil and massage on the scalp once each week.